Sunday 25 August 2013

Swindon Advertiser inside page

Unlike with most local newspapers, the Swindon Advertiser does not have one article which takes up the majority of the double page spread and dictates the page. The Swindon Advertiser has two main stories which both have one side of the double page spread. The left hand page is given to an article with the headline 'Sort this derelict dump our right now.' The article is bold and in large letters which makes it stand out on the page. The article is about a 'derelict' building which the locals want to be sorted out because it is creating an eye-sore on their town. Also the building is own which has burnt down and the locals may feel unsafe as they might feel that it could happen to their homes as well. This article represents the local area in a mixed way. For the positive, the locals are campaigning for the building to be sorted out which shows that the locals are unite and trying to sort out the town. However, it also shows that the town needs to be sorted out and that the derelict building has been allowed to get into the state that it is in now. Also it could be that some of the locals are setting fires or that the building built in this area have not been built with correct fire precautions. This article might appeal to the target audience because it could be something that they feel strongly about or that they are even involved in. The article has an  image of the building which has burnt down and that the locals are campaigning against. The image is rather thin and doesn't really stand out on the page.

The other article has a blue border around it to separate it from the rest of the page. The headline has been written in white and put against a blue background, the same shade as the border. These things, along with the fact that the headline is bold and short ('Flying the flag') makes the article stand out. The image on this article is of a large union flag to celebrate the Queen's jubilee. This article shows the area in a positive light because it shows them coming together as a community to celebrate the jubilee.

The Swindon Advertiser also has a feature listing what else is inside the issue of the newspaper. Most other local newspapers list the contents of the newspaper on the front cover rather than taking up space on the inside page to do this.