Friday 14 June 2013


I have decided to do the print task which is to create a local newspaper and a radio advertisement for that local newspaper. 
To create the newspaper, I would be using a program called Adobe InDesign. I have used this in other subjects (I have used InDesign multiple times in IT) as well as for the AS media coursework where I created the music magazine. Having a knowledge of the software that I will be using will be an advantage because it means that I already understand what features InDesign has to offer, how to use them and I don't have to spend a few lessons learning how to use it. 
I will be using Garageband to create the radio advertisement. I have never used Garageband before so unlike with Adobe InDesign I do not know how to use it or the features it contains. This means that I will have to spend a bit of time learning how to use it before I begin to plan and create the radio advertisement. 
Adobe InDesign logo
Garage band logo

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