Monday 17 June 2013

Local newspaper conventions

The usual conventions of a local newspaper front cover:

Nearly all local newspapers the masthead of the newspaper at the top and the majority of them have it slightly to the left as well. The cover of the paper will also have an image and a headline for the key article in the magazine. The image will be large and take up most of the front cover to attract people to purchase the newspaper. The headline will give them some information of what the article is about. Most of the time there will also be a short description or introduction to the story which will be continued inside the newspaper (usually within the first few pages).
There is also at least one advert but normally two or three. This is how the magazine gets funded. Organisations and companies will pay to advertise in the local magazine and pay different amounts depending on where in the magazine the advert is displayed (obviously the front cover adverts will cost more as they are ones that most people will look at).
Along the top of the front cover there is usually what else is included inside the newspaper. This helps the reader to understand what else will be in that days issue. 

The usual conventions of a local newspaper inside page:

The inside page of a local newspaper often has the story which was started on the front cover. There will also be at least one image to illustrate the cover story or other key articles. There will be several adverts on the inside pages. Adverts closer to the front and back of the newspaper will cost more for the advertisers and the adverts on odd numbers will cost more as well because they are what the readers sees first when they turn the page. 

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