Tuesday 18 June 2013

Newspaper names


Above is a link to a website which has links and the names of all the websites for local newspapers in Britain. Most of the paper names contain the name of the city which the paper is regional to. For example, the Bristol Post is a local newspaper for the Bristol and southwest area. This is so that people realise which newspapers being sold in newsagents are local. 
However, not all of the local newspapers have the name in the city (for example, the Ambler which is regional to Northampton). 

Typical newspaper names:
  • Guardian 
  • Mail 
  • Post
  • Star
  • Mercury 
  • Observer 
  • Herald
  • Echo 
  • Mirror
  • Mail 
  • Sun
  • News
  • Telegraph 
  • Citizen 
  • Bugle 
A lot of these names refer to a message being told or delivered. For example, the Telegraph will refer to a telegraph machine which was used to deliver telegrams (messages). So this would show that the newspaper is delivery the news and conveying messages. The Echo refers to the newspaper 'echoing' the news to the reader of the newspaper. The Mirror refers to 'reflecting' upon recent news articles and items.

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