Thursday 18 July 2013

Audience Research - questionnaire

As part of my audience research, I created a questionnaire. This was so I could fully understand what conventions that the audience expected and would like to see in a local newspaper. The questions are suitable for the task because it allows me to find out how regularly people read local newspapers and use conventions. 

Question 1 is to find out how often people read local newspapers. 

Gender (circle)
Male   Female   
1 How often do you read a local newspaper?
◌ Every day ◌ Every other day ◌ Every week ◌ Every other week ◌ Every month
◌ Very rarely ◌ Never
2 How many local newspapers do you read?
◌ None ◌ One ◌ Two ◌ Three ◌ More than Three
3 How much would you/do you pay for local newspapers?
◌ Free ◌ Up to 30p ◌ 30p-60p ◌ 60p-£1 ◌ More than £1
4 What stories do you read most often?
o   The stories which are important to the reader and the community
o   The stories which stand out on the page and sound exciting
o   The sport stories
o   The stories regarding local schools
o   Other (please specify) _____________________
5 Which title plate do you think is most suitable for a local newspaper and would attract you to read it? (Circle your answer)

6 Do you pay attention to the adverts?
◌ Yes ◌ No ◌ Sometimes
◌ Depending on whether they are advertising something that I need/want
7 How many adverts do you expect on the front cover?
◌ None ◌ 1 ◌ 2 ◌ 3 ◌ More than 3
8 How many adverts do you expect from the inside page?
◌ None ◌ 1 ◌ 2 ◌ 3 ◌ 4 ◌ More than 4

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