Sunday 7 July 2013

Representing Portishead and Bristol

I will probably represent Portishead and Bristol in a good light because that it what most local newspapers strive towards. This is because they don't want to give visitors and locals the idea that the area isn't very nice. However it is important to tell the public all important stories.

The other local newspapers which I have studied have all represented the local area well on the front cover. The images are all appealing and most of the time the people in the area are represented well as well. 

Ways to do this are:

  • Positive story on the front cover with an image
  • If there is a negative story, don't make it massively obvious on the front page (at the bottom and with no image/small image)
  • Have the title/logo in a warm welcoming font and colour but still making it look professional
  • Still cover the negative stories to avoid being bias and not telling the public the whole story

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